Friday, September 14, 2007

selected projects 09

Helsinki | Inari Virmakoski will look at clouds and think of the participants of this project.  

Washington + Brooklyn | Scott Lawrence (Washington) and Kevin Regan (Brooklyn) will simultaneously wet their pants.  

Atlanta | Robert Cheatham and Sloane Robinson will send out a telepathic control system that spans globally.  It will involve a geometric shape and an action. 

New York | Sal Randolph will give someone money.  

Atlanta | Kirstin Mitchell will pass out self addressed, stamped comment cards to bank tellers, friends, assholes in cars, etc.

Washington | Hope Hilton will design and conduct a silent walk.  

Portland | Jenny Smith will be in Portland

selected projects 08

Jacksonville | Ryle Eddings will write the word 'forever' in the sand at the beach.

Firenze | Luciano Ferra will force horses to swim  

Atlanta | Kiki Hunt will construct a shirt and pair of shorts out of several different kinds of water soluble paper, and attend a show at the Drunken Unicorn for a night of indeterminate events that could or could not dissolve her garments.  

Phoenix | While fashioning a bracelet inscribed with the name 'Rudy,' Justin Greg will walk around his neighborhood contemplating things and take pictures.  

Brooklyn | Anna Lise Jensen will find a neighborhood stranger to document her giving Alvin, a fourth month old rescue dog with demodex mange, a Histacalm bath in her bathroom.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

selected projects 07

Brooklyn | During rush hour, Nathan Hiemstra will strategically drive in order to be the first car in a left turn lane at a red light.  As people on the other side of the intersection make their left turns, he will take pictures of them if they make eye contact.

Managua | Jessica Hirst will design actions and instant message them to friends in New York and San Diego.  She will also received designed actions to manifest from friends.  

Lexington | Senom Yalcin will walk around asking people who their favorite loved ones are and where the live.  

Brooklyn | Julie Schumacher will post posters that say 'i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you.'

Atlanta | Maxwell Sebastian and Mandie Turner Mitchell will paint and booze it up in their studio.  

Sunday, September 9, 2007

selected projects 06

Middletown | Katherine Young will air a 25 second morse code translation of a phrase from Kelly Lik's short story 'The Girl Detective' on WESU 88.1 in Middletown, Connecticut (

New York | Matthew White and Eva Jung, along with seven other participants, will enter separate subway cars, place needles on portable record players and listen to music.

Atlanta | Elizabeth and Phyl Grant - Hilton will kiss.

New York | Nicholas Weist, along with his sister and two friends, will read passages from their favorite books to each other.

Chaing Mai | Champa Dan will meditate and offer his english speaking skills and talk to tourists interested in Buddhism.

to participate please see our call for entries

Saturday, September 8, 2007

selected projects 05

San Francisco | Lori Gordon will put a sign in her office window for people to read

Atlanta | Elia Eidelman will buy a lottery ticket that will determine bus routes.  He will write a letter on a bus, map the route and immediately mail the two objects to his first love.

Herzelya | Shiri Sandler will read a love story to her lost love in New York

Chicago | Nayt Hiemstra will be busy

Brooklyn | Ashley Neese will think of her brother, who is currently in Iraq


Friday, September 7, 2007

selected projects 04

Southborough | Michael Blunk and others will bike down Main Street with silk neckties as handlebar streamers and one around their necks, acting as a head 'band.'

Chicago | Keith Sullivan will eat fare and drink libations at his old friend's pre-wedding dinner.

Atlanta | Misty Harper and others will dress up and clean parking lots and sidewalks.

New York | Alan Bajandas will wonder the streets for twelve straight hours, writing on practically every surface and object he encounters.

Jackson | Marshall Avett and Stewart Voegtlin will play various instruments in public, serve six-month-old cole slaw, and go see the Jackson Red Devils' first home football game.

to participate please see our call for entries

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

selected projects 03

San Juan | Abdiel D. Segarra and others will spread rumors of a fake art fair.

Atlanta + Berlin | John Lowther (Atlanta) and Susanne Balke (Berlin) will have drinks inside rotating restaurants in their respective cities, while reading from themes of love and simultaneity.

San Francisco | James Obed will take a bike ride.

New York | Sarah Karp will interview people on the sidewalk.

Rotterdam | Inge Hoonte will be a tourist in her own country, recording a conversation with her friend Ilse.

to participate please see our  call for entries

Monday, September 3, 2007

selected projects 02

Transient | Mark Little will drive his 68 year old mother to Andrews, North Carolina.  His mom will visit her best friend from childhood Gay Francis.  

Brooklyn | Tina Manwarren Roche-Kelly will install + perform guerilla crochet and teach interested strangers how to crochet. 

Middletown | Brian Parks and Janet Simone Parks will compose essays upon olympia and royal typewriters (respectively) in the courtyard of weeks hall, one of several abandoned structures comprising the former Connecticut Hospital for the Insane.

Transient | Shana Wood will film while driving on a 3 minute super 8 roll.

Atlanta | Daniel Clay will hold a spoon carving demonstration in one parking space in a walmart parking lot.

Los Angeles | Adam Overton will talk to people

Sunday, September 2, 2007

participating projects


Every day until the September 14th we will be posting a handful of projects that are involved in '21 cities at once performed.' If you are interested in joining, please send us an email at

Thank you and continue to visit us!

to participate please see our
   call for entries

selected projects 01

Portland | Varinthorn Christopher will be visiting an office building next to where she lives and tell them to turn their lights and computers off at night, and proceed to eat ice cream with some homeless people while not talking about being homeless.

Japan | Caitlin Stokes will hand out ee cummings poems in a grocery store.

Atlanta | Blake Williams will film a wedding rehearsal

New York | Anna Barnett will play her ukulele on a park bench- email us if you would like to join her

Transient | Kimberly Ellen Hall and her partner Justin will be on a plane while recording sounds and thinking about durational space.

Brooklyn | Bibi Calderaro will stand on a milkcrate reading Joseph Beauys. There will be a megaphone next to her that will not be used.

San Juan | Denise Santiago will hang out with stray dogs.

Bergen | Karl Eidelmen will hold a master class on starting rumors, and participants will start rumors throughout the town