Tuesday, July 24, 2007

21 cities at once performed

21 cities at once performed :  a performative, global network where invited
participants create public intersections to occur simultaneously around the

Invited multi-disciplinary participants from 21 cities around the world will
contribute individual public projects that comprise one connected, simultaneous

As a curatorial collective, we are interested in wireless network systems
existing not only through the use of computers and the internet, but through a
human awareness of simultaneous participation and collective consciousness.  

The invited participants experiment with anthropology, architecture,
cartography, design, graffiti, kinetics, musical performance, science, sound and text. 
There will be an algorithmic parade through Seoul, silent walking tours in Williamsburg,
an outdoor party with live music in Helsinki and other public interventions.
We include these intersections not only as part of our investigation into 
psychogeography as a global phenomenon, but also to contribute to a 
networking system that exists within and without technology - public activity in 
which the experience is heightened by being aware of its relationship to 
other simultaneous public activities. 

Linking all of these events is a prescribed date and starting time (i.e.: all
projects are committed to beginning at 18:00 EST and the equivalents of that
moment in other time zones, which we will direct). Serving as an announcement
tool, archive, and network, www.21citiesatonceperformed.info will complete the
connections with maps, sounds and other documentation of performances. 

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